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Corporate Services

Tools and Support for Advisers Maximising Client Pension Benefits.

Client Presentations

$120 per hour plus travel costs

Service Description

Looking to add value for your clients? My Age Pension offers tailored presentations, either on-site or online, designed to clarify the complexities of the Age Pension.

Our presentation covers crucial topics, including age and residency eligibility, the application of the assets and income tests, and practical examples of how these apply in real scenarios.

We also discuss the most common mistakes clients make and highlight specific situations that often lead to complications. If time permits, we open the floor to questions, allowing for personalised advice.

Finally, we guide your clients through the Age Pension application process, offering practical tips, hints, and ongoing support if needed.


$120 per hour plus

Service Description

We provide specialised consultations to advisers, helping them understand how their advice and recommendations may impact their clients' eligibility for Age Pension benefits.

By deepening their knowledge in this area, we enable advisers to offer more comprehensive and tailored financial advice, ensuring their clients' financial plans align seamlessly with their Age Pension goals.

Through our collaborative efforts, advisers can ensure that their clients maximise their Age Pension benefits.

Cheat Sheets and Articles

Free to active referrers

Service Description

Each quarter, you’ll receive an updated Age Pension cheat sheet, featuring the latest details on eligibility, payment rates, income and asset test thresholds, and other key information. This resource is designed to help you easily identify clients who may be eligible for the pension, either immediately or in the future.

Additionally, we provide relevant articles that deepen your understanding of the Age Pension system. These insights will further assist you in recognising clients who might qualify for Age Pension benefits now or down the line.

Why Refer to My Age Pension

Free to active referrers

Service Description

All clients referred to My Age Pension receive the same high-quality services at the same cost as those who come to us directly.

When you refer a client to My Age Pension, you can rest assured of two key things:

  1. No Competing Services: My Age Pension strictly provides Age Pension services and does not offer Financial, Accounting, or Legal advice. Your client relationship remains secure.

  2. Respecting Your Client Relationship: We fully respect your professional relationship with your client and will not refer them to any other service provider.

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